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Featured Artist – Denise Fujiwara Butoh: Dance of Transformation

An Interview conducted by Stephen K. Levine in Toronto, Canada, September 2016.

艺术家聚焦 - Denise Fujiwara 舞踏:转化之舞 接受Stephen K. Levine采访于


DOI https://doi.org/10.15534/CAET/2016/2/14

Stephen K. Levine

The following is the text of an interview with Denise Fujiwara, a Japanese-Canadian Butoh dancer, choreographer, and teacher, who is our Featured Artist for this issue of the CAET journal, preceded by a short account of a Butoh performance by Stephen K. Levine in 2016. Fujiwara talks about her background and training, and introduces several key principles of Butoh, including that of ma, the space in between. Butoh is understood as a dance of transformation, rooting the performer and spectator in the body and its relationship to nature and the elemental.

以下内容是Denise Fujiwara接受采访的文本。她是日裔加拿大舞踏表演艺术家、编舞和舞蹈教师,同时也是CAET期刊本期的特色艺术家。 Denise谈到她的背景和训练,并介绍了舞踏艺术的几个关键原则,包括“ma”,其间的空间。舞踏被认为是一种转型的舞蹈,把表演者和观众植根于身体中,以及它与自然和元素的关系中。 采访文本之前是采访者在2016年夏天的舞踏表演的描述。

Stephen K. Levine

1 The European Graduate School, Switzerland

1 Fraleigh, Sondra (2010), Butoh: Metamorphic Dance and Global Alchemy. Urbana, Chicago, and Springfield: University of Illinois Press.

2 Website Denise Fujiwara:www.fujiwaradance.com


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