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An exploration of the Andai dance form (from the Horqin area of Inner Mongolia) from a dance/movement therapy perspective.




Andai is a unique folk dance in Horqin of Inner Mongolia in China, and is related to shamanistic fertility worship observed by the Mongolian tribe in Horqin. The original Andai is a complete religious rite which includes such activities as therapy, prayer, singing and dancing. Even today on the Horqin Grassland, there are still widespread traditions of treating diseases both of unmarried women with psychosis and of infertile married women through Shamanic Andai dancing. However, as this time-honored Andai ritual has moved into the twenty-first century, it has already slipped the leash of religious thoughts and has been given new connotations – developing into a form of folk art for a new era and appearing as a significant physical training method for the Horqin people. As a researcher of the art of Mongolian dance, the author of this article has a deep passion for Andai. The jumping and stamping posture, the flying silk and the distance song of Andai are deeply attractive elements. This paper places Andai, which has passed from one generation of Mongolian people to the next, within the vision of modern frontier disciplines, namely Dance Movement Therapy. Through Dance Movement Therapy, Laban Movement Analysis (LMA) theories and methods, this paper also analyzes the forms and functions in Andai ceremony – illustrating not only the artistic features of mysterious religious thought and rich aesthetics of dance, but also highlighting Andai’s scientific and practical applications. Taking this case as an example, this paper aims to explore both the rich heritage and developmental momentum of this ethnic Chinese Folk Dance.

安代是中国内蒙古科尔沁地区特有的萨满教仪式舞蹈。安代与科尔沁部落蒙古人所信仰 的萨满教生育崇拜有关。原始的安代是包括治疗、祈祷、歌唱、舞蹈等众多环节的完整 宗教仪式。科尔沁草原上至今流传着由萨满通过安代仪式舞蹈为患有精神 疾病的未婚 女子或不孕的已婚妇女治疗疾病的传统。古老的安代走到今天,已经摆脱了宗教思想的 束缚,被人们赋予新的内涵,发展成为新时代的民间艺术和科尔沁人们强身健体的重要 手段。笔者身为蒙古族舞蹈艺术研究者,对安代有着深厚的感情。安代腾踏跳跃的舞 姿,飞扬的绸布、悠远的歌声,深深吸引着笔者。本文将蒙古族世代传承的安代置于现 代前沿学科——舞动治疗视域中,通过舞动治疗、拉班动作分析(LMA)的相关理论和方 法、分析安代仪式中形态、功能等,揭示安代除神秘的宗教思想、丰富的舞蹈美学等艺 术特征外,其所蕴含的科学性、合理性,并希望以此为个案,探究中国少数民族民间舞 蹈传承的意义和发展的新动力。


1 China Women’s University, China

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